New Regeneration Fund plans for Ipswich town high street

By Suffolk Chamber • 11th March 2024 • News
New Regeneration Fund plans for Ipswich town high street

On behalf of Ipswich Town Deal Vision Board, Ipswich Borough Council will soon be seeking expressions of interest from developers, property owners and leaseholders to bring empty properties back into use.

Ipswich has secured £8m through the Department of Levelling-Up, Housing & Communities Towns Fund to bring empty properties in the town centre back into active use.

The £8m Regeneration Fund will help create a vibrant and attractive town centre with various uses including cultural, education, health, leisure and hospitality, retail and residential. By diversifying the mix of uses, Ipswich will become a place that is well-used day and night and is attractive to investors, businesses, and us as a place of choice to visit and stay.

Projects that will activate empty properties and generate higher footfall to the town centre could be eligible for funds to be spent by February 2026.

David Ralph, Chair of the Ipswich Town Deal Vision Board, says, “I am pleased that Ipswich is soon to launch two strands of its Town Deal Regeneration Fund. Projects supported through the Fund will change the face of the town, bringing it to life during the day and into the evening. I look forward to seeing the exciting and innovative projects.”

Councillor Neil MacDonald, Ipswich Borough Council Leader, adds: “Recognising that the town centre needs more than retail properties to ensure it is vibrant and well-used is a key part of our place-based strategy for Ipswich. We hope the Regeneration Fund will deliver some brilliant projects that bring a new mix of uses to the town.”

If you would like more information about the Regeneration Fund or to talk to someone about a potential project, please email:

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