Contact us

Contact us

We’d to hear from you! Fill in the form and our team will be in touch.
Your questions answered
My company is based outside of the boundaries of Suffolk. Can I register on the Suffolk Supply Chain?

The team at Suffolk Supply Chain are committed to ensuring that Suffolk organisations are at the heart of Supply Chains for any developments within the County. If your organisation is creating opportunities for Suffolk businesses then you are welcome to register onto the portal, and the team will be in touch to promote these opportunities as best we can. 

What happens after I register?

You will receive an email confirming that we have received your submission. We will then review your data and be in touch if there are any gaps or areas needing clarification. Your profile will then be live on the portal and you will have full access to the resources and opportunities that are available to registered users. Please note that this process may take up to 2 working days, but please get in touch with the team if you have any queries. 

I have a question about a specific opportunity. Who should I speak to?

Each of the opportunities listed on the Suffolk Supply Chain will have contact information for the relevant person within the organisation. Please use the platform to send a message to this contact in the first instance. If you need further assistance, please reach out to the Suffolk Supply Chain team for help. 

Ready to take control of your Supply Chain?
Register onto the Suffolk Supply Chain portal today and unlock a new era of efficiency, collaboration and success.